Monday, February 23, 2009

Sniffle,Snort, Sneeze!

February is the shortest month of the year, yet this month, this February has dragged on forever! Maybe it's the never ending to-do-list or maybe it's just all the "Bugs" we seem to be catching around here! The latest battle has been with the common cold, and it is taking offense at the word "common" and trying to outdo its self this time! So here I sit with a box of tissue on one side and a box of disinfectant wipes on the other, trying to contain my bodies production of germs. Fun. Poor George he keeps repositioning my wastepaper basket just hoping I'll actually hit it with my version of tissue basketball. He's taking it easy on me because I had a tooth pulled just before the cold hit. I'm so Blessed.

January seemed to be much the same. There have been a lot of changes begun around here...then stopped, as you can tell from our youngest son's expression in the picture above even he is ready for spring!

Stay Well, and God Bless!